Talking about Freemasonry

Do you talk about Freemasonry to others?  Do you share your Freemasonry experiences non-Masons?  Do you believe you cannot talk about Freemasonry outside the lodge setting?  How do you answer questions about Freemasonry to others? These are all questions for you to consider.

Do you think you are part of a secret society and cannot share anything about Freemasonry to others.  That’s the perception from those who are not Freemasons about who we are and what we do.  That could not be further from the truth.

We are not a secret society, and we can talk about who we are and what we do.  And, frankly, I believe that the world needs Freemasonry more than ever these days. 

Yes, you’re right. We don’t share our passwords, grips, and ritual.  That’s part of the journey of a man who joins a lodge.  We can, however, talk about almost anything else about Freemasonry to those outside of the fraternity.  We can talk about brotherly love, relief, and truth.  We can talk about the lessons and benefits Freemasonry provides a man of good moral character.  We can talk about how we serve our community and society in general.  There’s lots to talk about.  But where do you start.

Did you know that the Grand Lodge of California has a clear, concise guide to having those Masonic conversations with the general public?  It’s available to you from the Grand Lodge website and it’s an easy download.  Also, we have paper copies of the guide at the lodge that you can have and keep handy to help start the conversation or help answer those questions that get asked all the time.

This booklet answers simple questions like “What is Freemasonry?” and “How is Masonry different from other service organizations?” to more complex questions like “Is Masonry a religion?” and “What’s the deal with politics and religion?”

Also, and most importantly, it gives you nine talking points around the question “Why join a lodge?” as well as pointers to resources to learn more about Freemasonry.

So, take a look at the guide by downloading viewing it and downloading it here:

Or, stop by the lodge and pick up a copy for yourself and have those conversations about Freemasonry with your family and friends.

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