December is here and that means many things. The Holiday Season brings together family and friends from all over the globe. The hustle and bustle of being out and about, driving and flying from here to there. And don’t forget the shopping, yikes! Is there enough time in the day?
We just finished our Thanksgiving celebration where was pause and give thanks for things that have made an impact on us throughout the year. I am always thankful for the family and friends that surround and support me through good times and bad. Included in this list are the members of our lodge, and especially the leadership.
As December rolls around we start anew with a new core of officers for the ensuing year. However, our new core of leaders looks very much the same as last year. We asked W. Safakish, W, Manuto, and W. Chase to serve once again in the East, West, and South respectively and they, once again, answered the call. Also, W. Gopp continues his critical role as Lodge Secretary, without whom there would be no lodge.
These leaders of our lodge are dedicating themselves to keeping the lodge afloat while we bring up our newly initiated members. I greatly appreciate their efforts as these jobs are not easy. These jobs take time and passion, and they seem to have an endless supply.
So, as we move through December and onto the New Year, take a moment to thank our lodge leaders and the job they do for us on an ongoing basis. I am truly thankful for their presence and leadership for our lodge.